User Interface Improvements

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With 2011 Spring Town Meeting approaching, I've made a couple minor improvements to the page that displays tally vote results to better deal with the ever-growing number of votes in the database.

Previously, the results page showed descriptions of all the votes listed at the top of the page.  This worked well when there were only a dozen or so votes, but now that the page may be displaying close to 100 votes, it was becoming unwieldy.  Now, the vote descriptions are hidden by default, and you can access them by clicking the "Vote Descriptions" header at the top of the page.

In addition, the table of vote results extends horizontally far to the right with a large number of votes.  To make it easier to keep track of which row you are looking at, I have added an extra column on the far right showing each member's name, which should reduce the amount of scrolling back and forth needed to view the results.

Finally, this is a good time to mention an existing option that makes it easier to view large numbers of results.  Above the results table, the "Display Format" drop-down allows you to choose between standard display format and a condensed version.  The condensed version displays in a smaller font and abbreviates some terms, making it easier to view large result sets.

Hopefully these options will make it easier to navigate large numbers of votes.

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About This Site

This site contains a comprehensive database of each individual vote in Amherst's Town Meeting since 2002, along with full attendance information. To get started, click one of the predefined searches at right, or see the help section for full details on how to use the database.

Town Election History